Are you worried about what to do?
Are you concerned about whether we will have enough?
- Enough to do
- Enough friends
- Enough food to eat
- Enough money to pay bills
- Enough for entertainment
- Enough, Enough, Enough.
The list can go on and on.
We all need to find something that brings pleasure with little cost that we enjoy doing. That occupies our time, and we can spend hours doing it without a thought.
Perhaps something so simple as a walk.
Keep an open mind; you never know who or what you might find.
For most of us, our families have been the center of our world. We chose a career to provide for our family and decided on things to do around our family’s likes and dislikes.
Then we reach retirement, and it is time for us to go and do for ourselves, find our interests, and let our kids enjoy not having to entertain us.
Quiet all the thoughts in your head, daydream, and daydream.
Think about what brought you joy and pleasure throughout your life that
you might have put aside
To raise your family, your career, or caregiver for your family.
It is your time to shine.
Your time to have fun
Your time to do it; if not know when will you, ever do it.
- Maybe walking
- Maybe talking
- Maybe painting
- Maybe exploring
- Maybe swimming
Take a few moments to think back about what you have enjoyed.
We think you might just be on to your next adventure.
When you find it, explore it and ask yourself.
- Can I still do it
- Can I do this myself, or do I need to relearn it
- Can I find supplies at a reasonable cost
- Can I find the tools I need
- Can I find someone that has an interest like mine
Sit still and daydream
Then get another cup of coffee; it might take a while
We always seem to put our obligations to others first
So this might be hard at first to think of what we want to do or try
We have to keep telling ourselves.
- Get out of your way
- Get rid of self-doubt
- Go for it.
What do you want to do when you grow up?
Many of us realize we have not fully grown up yet and are just starting to discover ourselves as we retire and do the things that matter most to us.
I can tell you we try and have a positive attitude no matter the ache or pain we feel today.
So let us help you discover your likes and dislikes one step at a time.
Have an idea for us Contact us.
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